Here´s some stuff I´m still getting used to...
1. No TV. Well, there is a TV (which is nicer than mine at home), but it´s in Mom and Dad´s room (like in Chile), so everyone just piles into bed with Mom and Dad. Needless to say, I´m not there yet with this family... But I have read 8 books now, and also learned several new songs on the guitar...
2. No hot water. Well, except in the shower. Getting used to washing my face with cold water...
3. Climate. On any given day, I take a sweater and a rain coat and/or an umbrella, and will certainly need all and none of them at some point. Proper footware remains a mystery.
4. Rain and its good friends Dampness and Mustiness. Now that we´re in the rainiest part of the rainy season, my world is just damp. Oh how I pray for a gigantic dehumidifier for the country of Guatemala. At least there´s no carpeting.
5. Scented toilet paper. Who invented this?? Why?!?
6. The food. I really enjoy 95% of what I´m given, (like ripe fruit, lots of fresh corn tortillas, refried black beans, chicken, fried plantains, tomato-based sauces... Kinda like less-spicey Mexican food?) but it´s been an adjustment having NO idea what any given meal will bring... There have also been a few noteworthy fails. For example, one morning I had a raisin bread sandwich with mayo and ketchup (¨salsa dulce¨), ham, tomato, and raw onion. I mean, seriously?! I could only take 2 bites. I gave myself a gold star for that.
So there´s a little snapshot of my life here. Some struggles, but more joys. Thanks for supporting me in this first month!
bendiciones, juli
¨And my God will supply every need of yours according to the riches of glory in Christ Jesus.¨ - Phillipians 4:19.
¨Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all situations.¨ ¨Estén siempre alegres, oren sin cesar, den gracias a Dios en toda situación.¨ - 1 Thes. 5:16-19.